Sunday, November 28, 2010

BBQ with da boyz! Then Jugz! Best Saturday

Andy is the  barbecue master and gets all the pussy. Pretty much played soccertennis (its a sport) all day in the shmoldering hot sun and then ate phallic food. Good day
Following that, i went home complained about how tired i was for about 3 hours then went back out to jugz!
This is the friend that i made. His name is steve. We had some good times and some bad times. This one time  i got a little angry at him and caved his head in (thats why theres a huge dent in his head), but we were still mates afterwards. He made my night at jugs that little bit better. Then i lost my keys and rocked up at my house drunk at 5 am trying to wake up my mum to open the door. That part wasnt fun.

all in all, great day

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